Visa Requirements
Citizens of all countries (including Commonwealth) require a valid passport an an appropriate (entry, transit or tourist) visa. The visa must be obtained abroad from an Indian Mission. If planning to visit a neighboring country such as Nepal and then re-entering India, a double/multiple entry visa should be obtained.
General requirements:
- Original passport valid for at least six months
- Correct visa fee.
- Two passport-size photographs (five photographs in case of Pakistani nationals)
- Supporting documents, where necessary
- Duly completed application form (Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals need to apply on special application forms)
Tourists from other countries are advised to check current applicable visa fee/visa extension fees with government of India Tourist Offices or Indian Consular Offices located in their respective countries.
Validity of all visas is counted from the date of their issue.
For each visit on a tourist visa or business visa, the duration of stay in India is only for a period of six months even though a valid visa may be for more than six months.
In an effort to prevent international child abduction, many governments have initiated procedures at entry/exit points. These often include requiring documentary evidence of relationship and permission for the child’s travel from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian. Having such documentation on hand, even if not required, may facilitate entry/departure.
Tourist Visas:
Usually, a multi-entry visa, valid for a period of 180 days, is granted for the purpose of tourism. The visa is valid from the date of issue. Tourist Visa can also be given for 3 months, valid from date 1st entry into India which should be within 2 months from date of issue.
Collective Visas:
The facilities exists for issuing collective visas to group tours of not less than 4 members and sponsored by a government recognised travel agency. Such groups may split into smaller groups to visit different places in India after obtaining a collective "licence to travel" from Indian immigration authorities. They must reassemble and depart as the original group.
Transit Visas:
Transit visas are granted by Indian Missions abroad for a maximum period of 15 days.
Employment Visa
This visa is issued to skilled and qualified professionals or persons who are engaged or appointed by companies, organizations, economic undertakings as technicians, technical experts, senior executives, etc. Applicants are required to submit proof of contract/employment/engagement of foreign nationals by the company or organization.
Exemption from Registration:
Foreigners coming to India on tourist visas for 180 days or a shorter period are not require to register themselves with any authority in India. They can move about freely in the country, except to restricted/protected areas and prohibited places.
Visa Extension
For extending the visa apply for a letter of permission from the
Ministry of Home Affairs
Lok Nayak Bhavan, 1st floor
Khan Market, New Delhi 110003
Phone: 24693334, 24612543, 2461764 |